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7 Reasons to Consider Lumineers

Many people have heard of dental veneers, tooth-colored “covers” applied to the surfaces of damaged teeth to restore their appearance and improve your smile. But far fewer people have heard of Lumineers®, an ultra-thin veneer that offers several benefits compared with the traditional option.

Marvin Taylor, DDS, is a top-ranked provider of Lumineers for patients at Dr. Taylor’s Family Dental Center. If you’re wondering if Lumineers could be a good solution, here are seven benefits you should consider.

1. They can “fix” a lot of problems

Similar to traditional veneers, Lumineers can correct an array of cosmetic issues, including:

It’s important to note that because Lumineers are so thin, they may not be the best choice for covering dark teeth.

2. They are natural looking

Lumineers are known for their unique ability to reflect light in a way similar to a natural tooth. The extra-thin, translucent porcelain captures light and reflects it, mimicking the appearance of a natural tooth surface.

3. They require minimal preparation

When you get a traditional veneer, your dentist removes some of your tooth material to “make room” for the veneer and to ensure the tooth surface is “even” with neighboring teeth once the veneer is applied. 

Lumineers are much thinner than traditional veneers — about the thickness of a contact lens. As a result, the removal of tooth material isn’t necessary. Your tooth stays intact while the Lumineer is applied directly to the surface, painlessly and without any anesthesia or drilling.

4. They resist stains

Like traditional veneers, Lumineers consists of high-quality porcelain resistant to stains. That means you can enjoy your beautiful results without any special care required. It’s important to note that neither Lumineers nor traditional veneers are completely impervious to stains. It’s a good idea to rinse well after consuming foods or beverages with deep pigments, like coffee, red wine, or blueberries.

5. They are easy to care for

Maintaining Lumineers is simple: Regular brushing and flossing and twice-yearly dental checkups and cleanings are all it takes to keep them looking their best. Once you receive your Lumineers, you might be more inclined to keep your teeth and gums healthy to preserve those beautiful results.

6. They are reversible

Because a traditional veneer removes your tooth’s surface, that tooth will always need protection with some restoration (like a veneer or a crown). But because Lumineers don’t affect your healthy tooth material, you can have them removed in the future if you want to. 

7. They can make your smile look great

One of the biggest reasons people choose Lumineers is that they make your smile look naturally beautiful. A great-looking smile is significant for your confidence and can help you feel more at ease in all settings. Plus, since they’re easy to care for, you can continue enjoying your results for years.

Lumineers typically take two visits — one to take impressions of your tooth (or teeth) and a second visit to apply the Lumineers when they return from being created at the lab. If you’d like to learn more about Lumineers and how they can improve your smile, call 248-681-8100 or request an appointment online today at Dr. Taylor’s Family Dental Center in Waterford, Michigan.

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